Who enjoys failure?

Most people prefer not making mistakes. But within failure lies creative, instructive, and #inspiring, educational experiences.
Failure isn’t the opposite of success, but a necessary part of success. #Failure shouldn't be avoided, it should be embraced and learned from in order to become better and stronger.
In their 1993 book 'Art and Fear' by David Bayles and Ted Orland:
A teacher divides her ceramics class in two groups and tells one half to focus on creating a single #masterpiece in their allotted time, they will be graded soley on quality.
The second group will be graded on the quantity of #art they make, so they should make as many pieces as they can in the same amount of time.
Even though the first group focused on a single work of art, they were well surpassed by the second group, not just in quantity, but the group producing many pieces also produced much higher #quality work as well.
This is because they were able to make more mistakes which they could learn to develop their skills and creative ideas and become better with every future piece they made.
Embrace failures and learn from them as an integral part of #success. 💪 Author, Inventor & Phycologist William Marston called it: "Drawing Dividends From Failure."
EXAMPLE: Thomas Edison failed for years working on the telegraph machine, but in the process of failing he invented a successful sound recorder 📣
Please share other examples of how to frame failure.....